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Rug Your City: Photo Credits

The majority of the images used in this Kickstarter project RUG YOUR CITY were taken by Mehmet Bozatli and Erin Eisinger. But there were a few we found that showed cities, ideas and inspiration better than anything from our personal trove, and we are so thankful for their contribution to explaining our work!

Here they are:

 NYC Street by Daniela on Flickr, CC license here

 Seattle by Daniel Schwen on Flickr, CC license here

 New York City by goodjoy

New York by Alyssa Smith on unsplash

 Aya Sofia in Istanbul by Sarah Murray on Flickr, CC license here

 Baseball's night by Robbeye

San Francisco by Sebastian Gabriel on unsplash

Confetti Against a Blue Sky by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions on Flickr, CC license here

 Istiklal Caddesi in Istanbul by Gabriel Garcia Marengo on unsplash

Artist unknown

Paris by Alexander Kachkaev on Flickr, CC license here

By Bertrand from Paris, France on Wikipedia, CC license here

 Slava Zaitsev, CC license here

Statue of Liberty by David Saddler on Flickr, CC license here 

Erin Eisinger
Erin Eisinger


Floorplan CEO and Co-Founder. Designer. Storyteller. Entrepreneur.